Probio3 (Strawberry Flavor) 30’s
- Fights off bad bacteria to boost your immune system
- Restores digestive balance and replenishes healthy bacteria in both intestines
- May reduce lactose intolerance symptoms and gastrointestinal distress
- No dependence and no side effects
KSh5,300.00Probio3 (Strawberry Flavor) 30’s
KSh5,300.00 -
Veggie Veggie
- Proper digestion and absorption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals
- Natural digestive health and reduction of bloating, gas and general indigestion
- Reduced susceptibility to food allergies
- Immune system support
KSh5,300.00Veggie Veggie
KSh5,300.00 -
Novel Depile
Try Novel Depile Capsules for pain, burning, and itching relief without the need for surgery. They are a 100% natural treatment. Say goodbye to discomfort following a bowel movement and welcome to days without interruption. In addition to relieving symptoms, Novel Depile Capsules promote a healthy vein tone to prevent additional complications. Take charge of your situation, obtain long-lasting relief, and begin living a pain-free life. Get Novel Depile Capsules now.
KSh3,600.00Novel Depile
KSh3,600.00 -
Relivin Tea
Do you feel tense and stressed out? Relivin Tea can help you unwind and energize!
Do you occasionally feel dizzy, have high blood pressure, overburdened by stress?
Your all-natural key to a calmer, healthier self is Relivin Tea! Strong ingredients like green tea and luobuma are packed into this herbal tea that doesn’t contain caffeine.
Imagine living a more balanced life, feeling more at ease, and having a steady pulse. Relivin tea has anti-aging benefits and supports healthy blood pressure and stress relief!
Do you want to naturally feel your best? Try the Relivin Tea! It’s a great method to relax, relieve tension, and promote general well-being. Place your order right now, and it will arrive in no time.
KSh3,200.00Relivin Tea
KSh3,200.00 -
4 in 1 Cordyceps Coffee
- Improve overall physical health and enhance immunity
- High antioxidant activity to prevent aging Each serving contains 250 mg of pure Cordyceps extract
- Rich in flavor, smooth in taste Should be taken with food/at meal times:
- For chronic venous dysfunction/chronic hemorrhoidal disease – two capsules daily;
- For acute hemorrhoidal attacks – two capsules three times daily for four days, followed by two capsules twice daily for three days, two capsules thereafter.
KSh2,500.004 in 1 Cordyceps Coffee
KSh2,500.00 -
4-in-1 Ginseng Coffee
- 4 in 1 Ginseng Coffee is de-caffeinated.
- It yields double vitality.
- Exquisite Columbia coffee infused with top-grade American Ginseng
- Intense and smooth flavor, good taste
- Innovative match to improve immunity and physical health
- An ideal anti-fatigue solution that improves body-resilience
- Regulates the endocrine system and metabolism.
- Maintains proper heart functions.
- Prevents lung, bone and colon cancers.
KSh2,500.004-in-1 Ginseng Coffee
KSh2,500.00 -
Nt Diarr
Are you sick of dealing with toothaches, menstrual cramps, and diarrhea? It’s time to take some NT Diarr pills, the magical pills for instant relief from pain. These red bamboo pills, are composed purely of natural ingredients and are designed to relieve diarrhea, toothache, and menstrual discomfort. Don’t allow these challenges to hold you back. With fast-acting NT Diarr pills, you can travel with confidence. Become in charge of your digestive happiness. Live a pain-free life. Grab your pack right now for instant relief.
KSh2,200.00Nt Diarr