- Good for sprain-induced joint damage.
- -Suitable for people who are physically active like athletes , people who do manual work and the elderly.
- -Made of 100% natural ingredients without side effects.
- -Each tablet contains 375 milligrams of glucosamine and 300 milligrams of chondroitin which are the active ingredients.
KSh7,100.00 -
Xpower Man Capsules
These capsules are specially formulated to promote sexual activities, relieve fatigue and exhaustion, improve fertility, and treat erectile dysfunction. So whether you’re planning a romantic night out or just want to feel refreshed and energized, XPOWER MAN CAPSULES can help. Just take one capsule before bed and let the power of nature take effect!
KSh7,100.00Xpower Man Capsules
KSh7,100.00 -
Youth Essence Facial Cream
Say goodbye to wrinkles and hello to youthful, radiant skin with BF Suma Youth Essence Facial Cream! Packed with the latest cell technology and mitochondrial repair enzymes, this cream is the ultimate solution for restoring firmness and youthfulness to your skin.
KSh6,200.00Youth Essence Facial Cream
KSh6,200.00 -
Quad Reishi
Feeling drained or imbalanced? Take charge with Quad Reishi Capsules!
These powerful capsules combine 100% natural Yunzhi, Ganoderma, Chaga, and Antrodia extracts to support your overall health.
Looking for a natural immune booster? Quad Reishi Capsules can help keep you protected and feeling your best.
Struggling with blood sugar concerns? Because of chaga extracts, these capsules help promote healthy blood sugar levels for balanced energy.
Worried about lung or liver health? This is a secret for those who are active or want to be more active, These capsules can support the function of these vital organs.
Quad Reishi Capsules – a simple, natural way to feel your best. Don’t wait any longer, try Quad Reishi Capsules today and experience the difference for yourself. You will thank me later!
KSh5,700.00Quad Reishi
KSh5,700.00 -
Probio3 (Strawberry Flavor) 30’s
- Fights off bad bacteria to boost your immune system
- Restores digestive balance and replenishes healthy bacteria in both intestines
- May reduce lactose intolerance symptoms and gastrointestinal distress
- No dependence and no side effects
KSh5,300.00Probio3 (Strawberry Flavor) 30’s
KSh5,300.00 -
Veggie Veggie
- Proper digestion and absorption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals
- Natural digestive health and reduction of bloating, gas and general indigestion
- Reduced susceptibility to food allergies
- Immune system support
KSh5,300.00Veggie Veggie
KSh5,300.00 -
GluzoJoint-FTM Capsules
- Contains Glucosamine
- Relieves joint pains
- Maintains healthy joints
- Improves cartilage metabolism in joints and inhibits joint degeneration process
- Improves flexibility and relieves joint discomfort
KSh5,000.00GluzoJoint-FTM Capsules
KSh5,000.00 -
Refined Yunzhi Essence
Do you often get sick, get allergies, or even get sick easily, especially during the cold and flu season?
Refined Yunzhi Essence Capsules are your secret weapon for your health! Made with premium Yunzhi mushroom extract, this powerful formula supports your immune system and helps promote natural detoxification.
Imagine feeling energized and resilient, knowing you’re supporting your body’s natural defenses. Yunzhi Essence capsules will help reduce fatigue and support healthy liver function.
Ready to feel your best and experience the power of nature? Try Refined Yunzhi Essence Capsules! It’s a gentle and effective way to support your overall body. Make your order today
KSh5,000.00Refined Yunzhi Essence