Veggie Veggie
- Proper digestion and absorption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals
- Natural digestive health and reduction of bloating, gas and general indigestion
- Reduced susceptibility to food allergies
- Immune system support
KSh5,300.00Veggie Veggie
KSh5,300.00 -
Xpower Coffee
- It enhances libido, relieves fatigue, stress and promotes erection.
- It improves sexual performance and nourishes the prostate.
- It promotes normal blood circulation.
- It improves general health and vitality.
KSh3,000.00Xpower Coffee
KSh3,000.00 -
Xpower Man Capsules
These capsules are specially formulated to promote sexual activities, relieve fatigue and exhaustion, improve fertility, and treat erectile dysfunction. So whether you’re planning a romantic night out or just want to feel refreshed and energized, XPOWER MAN CAPSULES can help. Just take one capsule before bed and let the power of nature take effect!
KSh7,100.00Xpower Man Capsules
KSh7,100.00 -
Youth Essence Facial Cream
Say goodbye to wrinkles and hello to youthful, radiant skin with BF Suma Youth Essence Facial Cream! Packed with the latest cell technology and mitochondrial repair enzymes, this cream is the ultimate solution for restoring firmness and youthfulness to your skin.
KSh6,200.00Youth Essence Facial Cream
KSh6,200.00 -
Youth Essence Lotion
Transform your skin from dull to radiant with BF Suma Youth Essence Lotion! Our active ingredients, including Niacinamide and Astaxanthin, will nourish, smooth, and brighten your skin without any bleaching properties, leaving you with a youthful, rosy glow. This lightweight lotion is easy to apply and suitable for all skin types. Don’t wait any longer to achieve your dream skin – try BF Suma Youth Essence Lotion today!
KSh4,500.00Youth Essence Lotion
KSh4,500.00 -
Youth Essence Toner
Infused with the latest technology ingredients, this powerful toner is designed to restore firmness, hydrate, and protect your skin in just 10 seconds. Say goodbye to fine lines and wrinkles, and hello to a more refreshed and revitalized appearanc
KSh4,800.00Youth Essence Toner
KSh4,800.00 -
Youth Refreshing facial Cleanser
This facial cleanser is formulated with a powerful active ingredient called niacinamide, which is known to improve the skin barrier, restore firmness in just 10 seconds, and give you a transparent and moisturized look after cleansing.
- Helps to achieve a glowing and youthful complexion
- Cleanses the skin deeply, removing dirt and impurities
- Nourishes and revitalizes the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed
- Suitable for everyday use, morning or night
KSh3,900.00Youth Refreshing facial Cleanser