Blueberry Chewable Tablets for Sharp Vision
KSh4,300.00 -
Youth Refreshing facial Cleanser
This facial cleanser is formulated with a powerful active ingredient called niacinamide, which is known to improve the skin barrier, restore firmness in just 10 seconds, and give you a transparent and moisturized look after cleansing.
- Helps to achieve a glowing and youthful complexion
- Cleanses the skin deeply, removing dirt and impurities
- Nourishes and revitalizes the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed
- Suitable for everyday use, morning or night
KSh3,900.00Youth Refreshing facial Cleanser
KSh3,900.00 -
Relivin Tea
Do you feel tense and stressed out? Relivin Tea can help you unwind and energize!
Do you occasionally feel dizzy, have high blood pressure, overburdened by stress?
Your all-natural key to a calmer, healthier self is Relivin Tea! Strong ingredients like green tea and luobuma are packed into this herbal tea that doesn’t contain caffeine.
Imagine living a more balanced life, feeling more at ease, and having a steady pulse. Relivin tea has anti-aging benefits and supports healthy blood pressure and stress relief!
Do you want to naturally feel your best? Try the Relivin Tea! It’s a great method to relax, relieve tension, and promote general well-being. Place your order right now, and it will arrive in no time.
KSh3,200.00Relivin Tea
KSh3,200.00 -
Feeling sugary and stressed? Find balance with GymEffect capsules!
Do you ever crave sugary treats or worry about maintaining healthy blood sugar levels?
GymEffect Capsules are your natural way to support a balanced you! Gymnema Sylvestris helps reduce sugar cravings and manage blood sugar.
Imagine feeling energized and in control, with less sugar temptation. GymEffect capsules, made with natural ingredients, help promote healthy blood sugar levels and it’s a new booster to lose weight effortlessly.
Ready to feel your best from the inside out? Try GymEffect capsules! It’s a gentle and natural way to support your health goals. Make your Order Today
- supporting healthy blood glucose metabolism
- Maintain healthy blood sugar levels
KSh4,000.00 -
Micro2TM Cycle Tablets
Benefit to
- People who concern cardiovascular health
- Cardiovascular health
- People who prevent thrombosis
KSh4,000.00Micro2TM Cycle Tablets
KSh4,000.00 -
NMN Coffee
BF Suma NMN Coffee is one of the newest products. It is a 100% organic latte, enriched with the natural NAD+ booster, NMN. Additionally, it is both delicious and healthy, providing cells with a molecule that works as an anti-aging nutrient as well as promoting healthy weight management.
It provides anti-aging benefits
Improves overall health
BF Suma NMN Coffee increases energy metabolism and physical activity.
NMN reduces age-related weight gain.
It has anti-diabetic properties.
KSh4,500.00NMN Coffee
KSh4,500.00 -
Dr Ts toothpaste
Bf suma dr.T tooth paste is a natural herbal toothpaste providing 4d cares for your teeth. Dr.Ts contains ingredients will give you an overall oral protection. Blue cleaning factor ensures thorough cleaning, strenthens enamel and prevents cavities.Green herbal factor, incluing notoginseng, green tea and lonicera japonic, can nourish teeth and gums, freshen breath and reduce inflammation. This toothpaste is very beneficial as it;
- Clean the Teeth
- Prevents Cavities
- Strengthens the Enamel
Use it when brushing your teeth twice a day.
KSh1,000.00Dr Ts toothpaste